Business partnership opportunities

Join our network of surveying firms

We’re expanding our capacity by partnering with independent surveying firms throughout the UK. You could benefit from a flow of mortgage valuation and survey work, access to industry-leading technology, free CPD events, and training.

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Become a survey referral partner

If you’re an estate agent or mortgage broker, you could be earning commission and giving your clients peace of mind on their property purchase by referring them for a home survey with SDL Surveying.

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Our network proposition

Become part of our surveying community

Partnering with SDL gives smaller surveying firms access to a consistent mortgage valuation workflow, free CPD events, industry insights, and training.

In addition, all our network members are required to complete work within our iPad environment to ensure quality standards are maintained. This access to our market-leading technology enables firms to streamline their business processes and reduce their system costs.

Find out more, get in touch today
Share in our valuation and survey work
Free CPD, training, and regular market insights
Reduced administrative time and system costs
Hear from our network members
Join our network today
SDL Surveying national conference

Our annual conference is one of the most important events in our calendar. It brings together our entire surveying community to hear thought-provoking presentations that address important topics in the surveying industry.

Along with other smaller events throughout the year, our conference gives our surveying community valuable CPD hours and allows them to build strong relationships with their peers.

To find out more, get in touch today
Our survey referral service

Help alleviate your clients’ worries by referring a home survey with SDL

With the rise of desktop valuations, it has never been more important for home buyers to commission a physical survey. According to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), buyers who didn’t purchase a home survey faced on average £5,750 worth of repairs when they moved in. Plus,17% of these buyers ended up paying more than £12,000 to make their homes habitable.

As an estate agent or mortgage broker, you have a duty of care to ensure that your client is aware of the financial risk of proceeding without a home survey. By referring your client quickly and easily to SDL Surveying you can earn commission and ensure that they are protected from unseen defects, structural problems, and costly repair work.

Our home survey team prides itself on providing exceptional customer service and will ensure that your client is receiving the most suitable survey for their circumstances.

To find out more, get in touch today
Nationwide survey coverage
Easy referral process
Payment within 30 days of completion
Market-leading customer journey
To find out more, get in touch today